


发布日期: 2015年06月04日 00:00


地址:财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧 B416室。

E-mail:[email protected]








1.2022-03至今,河南大学,财神捕鱼 ,教授

2.2013-01至2022-02,河南大学,财神捕鱼 ,副教授

3.2004-07至2012-12,河南大学,财神捕鱼 ,讲师








1.河南省高等学校重点科研项目,NO. 23A140010 (2023.01-2024.12).

2.国家自然科学基金面上,No. 11674083 (2017.01-2020.12)

3.河南省科技厅科技开放合作项目,NO. 182106000023(2018.1-2019.12).

4.河南省重点科技攻关计划,NO.152102210047 (2015.1-2017.12).

5.国家自然科学基金青年,No. U1204112(2013.1-2015.12).

6.河南大学科学研究基金项目,NO. 2010YBZR016 (2010.01-2012.12).


1.《典型Zintl相材料热电理论》,科学技术文献出版社,ISBN 978-7-5189-8313-1 2022年8月出版,主编。





1.Zhaoyu Yang, Jingjing Min, Tieshuan Dong, Weiru Wen, Zhenzhen Feng, Gui Yang,Yuli Yan, and Zaiping Zeng, Flat phonon modes driven ultralow thermal conductivities in Sr3AlSb3and Ba3AlSb3Zintl compounds,Applied Physics Letters120, 142103 (2022).

2.Wenya Zhai, Lanwei Li, Mengmeng Zhao, Qiuyuan Hu, Jingyu Li, Gui Yang,Yuli YanChi Zhang, and Peng-Fei Liu,A novel 2D material with intrinsically low thermal conductivity of Ga2O3(100):First principles investigations,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,24,4613 (2022).

3.Wenya Zhai , Lanwei Li Mengmeng Zhao , Qiuyuan Hu , Jingyu Li , Gui Yang ,Yuli Yan, Chi Zhang, Peng-Fei Liu, Phonon transport in Zintl Ba2ZnAs2and Ba2ZnSb2: A first-principles study,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing141, 106446 (2022).

4. Jingyu Li, Wenya Zhai, Chi Zhang,Yuli Yan, Peng-Fei Liu and Gui Yang,Anharmonicity and ultralow thermal conductivity in layered oxychalcogenides BiAgOCh (Ch = S, Se, and Te),Materials Advances,2021, 2, 4876-4882.

5. Jingyu Li, Jinfeng Yang, Beibei Shi, Wenya Zhai, Chi Zhang,Yuli Yanand Peng-Fei Liu,Ternary multicomponent Ba/Mg/Si compounds with inherent bonding hierarchy and rattling Ba atoms toward low lattice thermal conductivity,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 18556—18561.

6.Yang Hu, Yurong Jin, Guangbiao Zhang andYuli Yan,Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of full Heusler compounds Ca2YZ (Y=Au, Hg; Z=As, Sb, Bi, Sn and Pb),RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 28501.

7.Jinfeng Yang, Jingyu Li, Chi Zhang, Zhenzhen Feng, Beibei Shi, Wenya Zhai,Yuli Yan, and Yuanxu Wang,Excellent thermoelectric performance of BaMgSi driven by low lattice thermal conductivity: a promising thermoelectric material,Journal of Alloys and Compounds827, 154342 (2020).

8.Yuli Yan;Yang, Jinfeng;Li, Jingyu,High thermoelectric properties in full-Heusler X(2)YZ alloys (X = Ca, Sr, and Ba; Y = Au and Hg; Z = Sn , Pb, As, Sb, and Bi),Journal of physics D-appled physics, 52, 495303 (2019).

9.Yuli Yan, Yurong Jin, Guangbiao Zhang, Jiong Yang, Yuanxu Wang, Wei Ren, Optimum electronic structures for high thermoelectric figure of merit within several isotropic elastic scattering models,Scientific Report7, 10104 (2017).

10.Yuli Yan, Guangbiao Zhang, Chao Wang, Chengxiao Peng, Peihong Zhang, Yuanxu Wang, Wei Ren, Optimizing the Dopant and Carrier Concentration of Ca5Al2Sb6for High Thermoelectric Efficiency,Scientific Report6, 29550 (2016).

11.Yu Rong Jin, Zhen Zhen Feng, Ling Yun Ye,Yuli Yan, Yuan Xu Wang, Mg2Sn:A potential mid-temperature thermoelectric material,RSC Advances6, 48728-48736 (2016).

12.Yuli Yan, Yuan Xu Wang, and Guang Biao Zhang, A key factor improving the thermoelectric properties of Zintl compounds A5M2Pn6(A=Ca, Sr, Ba; M=Ga, Al, In; Pn=As, Sb),Computational Materials Science85, 88-93(2014) .

13.Yuli Yan; Men, Bao Quan; Liu, Guang Sheng,Effect of vacancies on magnetic behaviors of Cu-doped 6H-SiC,Applied physics A-materials science & pricessing2,841-845(2014).

14.Yuli Yan, Yuan Xu Wang, and Guang Biao Zhang, Electronic structure and thermoelectric performance of Zintl compound Ca5Ga2As6,Journal of Materials Chemistry,2012, 22 (38), 20284–20290.

15.Yuli Yanand Yuan Xu Wang, Crystal structure, electronic structure, and thermoelectric properties of Ca5Al2Sb6,Journal of Materials Chemistry21, 12497 (2011).

16.Yuli Yanand Yuan Xu Wang, Electronic structure and low temperature thermoelectric properties of In24M8O48(M=Ge4+, Sn4+, Ti4+and Zr4+),Journal of Computational Chemistry33, 88 (2012).

17.Yuli Yanand Yuan Xu Wang, Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of In32-xGexO48(x=0, 1, 2, and 3) at low temperature,Applied Physics Letters97, 252106 (2010).