张杨,博士,教授,博导。2005博士毕业于中国科技大学凝聚态物理专业,2006年至今在财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧
。2006至2017期间,先后在National Cheng Kung University,National Technical University of Athens,The University of Electro-Communications任博士后研究员。目前主要从事新能源转换材料与器件,以第一作者和通讯作者在J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Mater. Chem. C, Journal of Power Sources, Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际知名期刊上发表论文40余篇,其中中科院一区论文及二区TOP论文20余篇,论文引用超过1600余次。
Email:[email protected]
2008-2009 ZnO纳米棒高频表面声波滤波器的研制,项目编号:084300510054,河南省科技厅
1.Zhe Fan, Xu Chen, Xiaoqing Shi, Qiwei Jiang andYang Zhang, Facile synthesis of NiS nanowires via ion exchange reaction as an efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2023, 11, 5348-5353.
2.Xiaoqing Shi, Marko Kralj, andYang Zhang, Colorimetric paper test strips based on cesium lead bromide perovskite nanocrystals for rapid detection of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34 (2022) 304002.
3.Liang Bao, Wenqiang Liu, Yonghua Chen, Yanbo Zhang, andYang Zhang, Enhanced blue emission from CsPb(Br/Cl)3perovskite nanocrystals by localized surface plasmon resonance of Au nanoparticles,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021,9, 5182-5189.
4.Yonghua Chen, Yanbo Zhang, Liang Bao, Wenqiang Liu, andYang Zhang,Plasmon-enhanced blue photoluminescence efficiency from CsPb(Br/Cl)3perovskite nanocrystals by silver nanoparticles,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 19, 10631-10638.
5.Yongjie Pu, Wenqiang Liu, Yunyong Liu, Qiwei Jiang, Yinli Li, Zuncheng Zhao, Guodong Yuan, andYang Zhang*, Enhancing Effects of Reduced Graphene Oxide on Photoluminescence of CsPbBr3Perovskite Quantum Dots, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 7447-7453.
6.Xu Chen,Yang Zhang, Yashuai Pang and Qiwei Jiang, Facile Synthesis of Nanoporous NiS Film with Inverse Opal Structure as Efficient Counter Electrode for DSSCs, Materials 2020, 13(20), 4647.
7.Yashuai Pang,Yang Zhang, Haiwu Zheng, Qiongzhe Yu, Xu Chen, Jihuai Wu, and Qiwei Jiang, T-ZnOw/ZnONP Double-Layer Composite Photoanode with One-Dimensional Low-Resistance Photoelectron Channels for High-Efficiency DSSCs, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 8, 4408–4413.
8.Wenqiang Liu, Guodong Yuan,Yang Zhang*, Qi Wang, Shuai Zhao, Zhiqiang Liu, Tongbo Wei, Junxi Wang and Jinmin Li, Localized exciton emission in CsPbBr3nanocrystals synthesized with excess bromide ions,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019,7, 10783-10788.
9.Haibo Bi,Yang Zhang*,Influence of the additives in poly(3-hexylthiophene) hole transport layer on the performance of perovskite solar cells, Materials Letters 161(2015)767–769.
10.Yang Zhang, Wenqiang Liu, Furui Tan, Yuzong Gu,The essential role of the poly(3-hexylthiophene) hole transport layer in perovskite solar cells,Journal of Power Sources, 274 (2015) 1224–1230.
11.Yang Zhang, Shanshan Yuan, Wenqiang Liu,Inverted organic solar cells employing RGO/TiOx composite films as electron transport layers,Electrochimica Acta, 143 (2014) 18-22.
12.WenqiangLiu,Yang Zhang*Electrical characterization of TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3heterojunction solar cells,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2 (26), 10244 - 10249.
13.Yang Zhang,ShanshanYuan,Yinli Liand Weifeng Zhang,Enhanced electron collection in inverted organic solar cells using titanium oxide/reduced graphene oxide composite films as electron collecting layers,Electrochimica Acta, 117 (2014) 438–442.
14.Shanshan Yuan,Yang Zhang*, Wenqiang Liu, Weifeng Zhang,Efficient inverted organic solar cells using Zn-doped titanium oxide films as electron transport layers,Electrochimica Acta, 116 (2014) 442–446.
15.Yang Zhang, Liru Li, Shanshan Yuan, Guoqiang Li, Weifeng Zhang,Electrical properties ofthe interfaces in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,Electrochimica Acta, 109 (2013) 221– 225.
16.Liru Li,Yang Zhang*, Shengjun Li, Guoqiang Li, Weifeng Zhang, “Platinum nanoparticles modified indium tin oxide anodes for enhancing the efficiency and stability of organic solar cells”,Electrochimica Acta, 87, 277–282 (2013).
17.Wenhao Yang, Shihui Yu,Yang Zhang, Weifeng Zhang, “Properties of Sb-doped SnO2transparent conductive thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering”,Thin Solid Films, 542, 285–288 (2013).
18.Shaojun Wu, Guoqiang Li,Yang Zhang, Weifeng Zhang, Surface Photoelectric and Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Properties of Zinc Antimonate-based Photocatalysts,Materials Research Bulletin, 48(3), 1117-1121, (2013).
19.ZHANG Yang, LI Xue-Hong, PENG Cheng-Xiao, “Modification of Photoluminescence Properties of ZnO Island Films by Localized Surface Plasmons”,Chinese Physics Letters, 29 (10), 107803 (2012).
20.Chengxiao Peng, Yong Liang, Kefan Wang,Yang Zhang, Gaofeng Zhao, and Yuanxu Wang, “Possible Origin of Ferromagnetism in an Undoped ZnO d0 Semiconductor”,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,116, 9709−9715 (2012).
21.ZHANG Yang, LI Xue-hong, PENG Cheng-Xiao, Tunable Photoluminescence of ZnO Films with Different Surfaces by The Coating of Au Nanoparticels,Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 33 (12), 1299-1305 (2012).
22.Ke-Fan Wang,Yang Zhang, Weifeng Zhang, Morphology and photoluminescence of ultrasmall size of Ge quantum dots directly grown on Si(0 0 1) substrate, Applied Surface Science, 258 (6), 1935–1939 (2012).
23.P. Thangadurai, I. Zergioti, S. Saranu, C. Chandrinou,Z. Yang, D. Tsoukalas, A. Kean, N. Boukos, “ZnO nanoparticles produced by novel reactive physical deposition process”,Applied Surface Science257, 5366–5369 (2011).
24.Yang Zhang, Ching-Ting Lee, “Negative Differential Resistance in ZnO Nanowires Bridging Two Metallic Electrodes”,Nanoscale Research Letters5, 1492–1495 (2010).
25.Yang Zhang, Ching-Ting Lee, “Site-controlled growth and field emission properties of ZnO nanorod arrays”,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C113, 5920-5923 (2009).
26.Xuehong Li,Yang Zhang*, and Xijun Ren, “Effects of localized surface plasmons on the photoluminescence properties of Au-coated ZnO films”,Optics Express17, 8735-8740 (2009).
27.ZHANG Yang, DIAO Da-Sheng, “Enhanced Field Emission from Vertical ZnO Nanoneedles on Micropyramids”,Chinese Physics Letters, 26, 038101 (2009).
28.Peng Cheng-Xiao, Wang Ke-Fan,Zhang Yang, Guo Feng-Li, Weng Hui-Min, Ye Bang-Jiao, Evolution of native point defects in ZnO bulk probed by positron annihilation spectroscopy, CHINESE PHYSICS B,18, 2072-2077 (2009).
29.Yang Zhang,Weifeng Zhang, Chengxiao Peng, “Strong ultraviolet luminescence of ZnO thin films with nanowall-network structures”,Optics Express,16, 10696 (2008).
30.PENG Cheng-Xiao, WENG Hui-Min,ZHANG Yang, MA Xing-Ping, YE Bang-Jiao, “Influence of Dopants in ZnO Films on Defects”,Chinese Physics Letters, 25, 4442 (2008).
31.Yang Zhang, Dai-Jang Chen, Ching-Ting Lee, “Free exciton emission and dephasing in individual ZnO nanowires”,Applied Physics Letters,91, 161911 (2007).
32.Yang Zhang, Dai-Jang Chen, and Ching-Ting Lee,“Room Temperature Negative Differential Resistance in Au/Single ZnO Wire/Au Junction Structure”,ECSTransactions, Volume 11, Issue 8, Page7-13(2007).
33.Yang Zhang, Weifeng Zhang, Haiwu Zheng,“Fabrication and photoluminescence properties of ZnO:Zn hollow microspheres”,Scripta Materialia,57,313-316 (2007).
34.Yang Zhang, Haiwu Zheng, Jianfeng Su, Bixi Lin, Zhuxi Fu,“Effects of sic buffer layer on the optical properties of ZnO films grown on Si (1 1 1) substrates”,Journal of Luminescence,124, 252–256 (2007).
35.Ling Wei, Liting Zhang,Yang Zhang, and W. F. Zhang,“Enhanced ultraviolet photoluminescence from V-doped ZnOthin films prepared by a sol–gel process”,Physica Status Solidi A 204, 2426–2430 (2007).
36.Yang Zhang, Bixia Lin, Zhuxi Fu, Cihui Liu, Wei Han, “Strong ultraviolet emission and rectifying behavior of nanocrystalline ZnO films”,Optical Materials,28, 1192–1196 (2006).
37.Yang Zhang, Jin Xu, Bixia Lin, Zhuxi Fu, Sheng Zhong, Cihui Liu, Ziyu Zhang,“Fabrication and electrical characterization of nanocrystalline ZnO/Si heterojunctions”,Applied Surface Science,252, 3449–3453 (2006).
38.Ziyu Zhang,Yang Zhang, Li Duan, Bixia Lin, Zhuxi Fu, “Deep ultraviolet emission of ZnO films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering at changing substrate temperature”,Journal of Crystal Growth,290, 341–344, (2006).
39.Yang Zhang, Bixia Lin, Xiankai Sun, and Zhuxi Fu, “Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of nanocrystalline ZnO thin films grown on Si(100) substrates by the sol–gel process”,Applied Physics Letters,86, 131910 (2005).
40.Yang Zhang, Ziyu Zhang, Bixia Lin, Zhuxi Fu, and Jin Xu, “Effects of Ag Doping on the Photoluminescence of ZnO Films Grown on Si Substrates”,Journal of Physical Chemistry B,109, 19200-19203 (2005).
41.Xu Jin, Zhang Zi-Yu,Zhang Yang, Lin Bin-Xia, Fu Zhu-Xi,“Effect of Ag doping on optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films”,Chinese Physics Letters,22(8): 2031-2034(2005).
42.Sun Xian-Kai, Lin Bi-Xia, Zhu Jun-Jie,Zhang Yang, Fu Zhu-Xi,“Studies on the strain and its effect on defects in heteroepitaxial ZnO films prepared by LP-MOCVD method”,Acta Physica Sinica,54(6): 2899-2903(2005).