Email:[email protected]
个人简介:1991年5月生,博士。2021年毕业于中国科学院理论物理研究所,获得博士学位。2021年7月到财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧
1、M.Abdughani, D.Wang, L.Wu*, J.M.Yang,Jun Zhao,Probing
triple Higgs coupling with machine learning at the LHC,Phys.Rev.D
104(2021)5, 056003
2、W.Wang*, J.Wu, Z.Xiong,Jun Zhao,PandaX limits on the light dark
matter with a light mediator in the singlet extension of MSSM,
Chin.Phys.C 44 (2020) 6, 063102
3、M.Abdughani, K.Hikasa, L.Wu*, J.M.Yang,Jun Zhao,Testing
electroweak SUSY for muon g-2 and dark matter at the LHC and
beyond,JHEP 11 (2019) 095
4、M.Abdughani*, J.Ren,Jun Zhao,TeV SUSY dark matter confronted
with the current direct and indirect detection data,
Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 2, 146
5、J.Ren, L.Wu*, J.M.Yang,Jun Zhao,Exploring supersymmetry with
machine learning, Nucl.Phys.B 943 (2019) 114613
6、M.Abdughani, J.Ren, L.Wu*, J.M.Yang,Jun Zhao,Supervised deep
learning in high energy phenomenology: a mini review
Commun.Theor.Phys. 71 (2019) 8, 955
7、G.H.Duan, W.Wang, L.Wu*, J.M Yang,Jun Zhao,Probing GeV-scale MSSM
neutralino dark matter in collider and direct detection experiments,
Phys.Lett.B 778 (2018) 296-302
7、Jun Zhao*,The Higgs properties in the MSSM after the LHC Run-2,
Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 33 (2018) 11, 1841001
9、W.Wang*, M.Zhang,Jun Zhao,Higgs exotic decays in general NMSSM
with self-interacting dark matter,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 33 (2018) 11,