个人简历 赵文杰,男,副教授,理学博士,1970年4月出生于河南开封,汉族。1991年6月毕业于郑州大学物理系,1991年7月------2004年8月,河南医药技师学院工作,讲师。 2004年9月------至今,财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧
主要担任课程: (1)静力学(2)理论力系
(1) 过渡金属氮化物、硼化物及碳化物硬度关联因素研究,2014年4月、国家自然基金委员会、准予结题
(2) 三电极碳基薄膜几何结构对场发射的影响, 2013年7月、河南省科学技术厅、通过鉴定
(3) 高性能铝基复合材料的研发,2014年7月、南京天利威科技有限公司(河南大学横向科研项目,经费13万,到账13万,认定为省级科研项目)
发表论文(1) Wen-Jie Zhao, Bin Xu, Yuan-Xu Wang, Geometries, stabilities, and electronic properties of YnSi (n=2-14) clusters: Density-functional theory investigations,Computational Materials Science 50, 2167 (2011) (2) Wen-Jie Zhao, Yuan-Xu Wang, Mechanical properties of superhard diamondlike BC5 ,Solid State Communications,151, 478 (2011). (3)Wen-Jie Zhao, Yuan-Xu Wang, Structural, mechanical, and electronic properties of TaB2, TaB, IrB2, and IrB: First-principle calculations, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182, 2880 (2009) (4)Wen Jie Zhao, Hong Bin Xu, and Yuan Xu Wang, A hard semiconductor OsN4 with high elastic constant c44, Physica Status Solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters 3, 272 (2009) (5)Wen-Jie Zhao and Yuan-Xu Wang, Geometries, stabilities, and electronic properties of FeGen (n=9-16) clusters: Density-functional theory investigations, Chemical Physics, 352, 291 (2008) (6)Wen-Jie Zhao and Yuan-Xu Wang, Geometries, stabilities, and magnetic properties of MnGen (n=2-16) clusters: Density-functional theory investigations, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 901,18 (2009) (7) Zhao Wen-Jie, Wang Yuan-Xu, Elastic stability and electronic structure of low energy tetragonal and monoclinic PdN2 and PtN2, Chinese Physics B 18, 3934 (2009) (8) Zhao Wen-Jie, Wang Yuan-Xu, Prediction of a superhard material of ReN4 with a high shear modulus, Chinese Physics B 19, 016201 (2010) (9) Wen-Jie Zhao, Bin Xu, First-principles calculations of MnB4, TcB4, and ReB4 with the MnB4-type structure,Computational Materials Science 65, (2012) 372-376 (10) Wenjie Zhao, Xingfu Li, Xingli Shao, Bin Xu,and Jiangang Yao, Activated adsorption of CO on yttrium clusters, The European Physical Journal D, 67, 186 (2013)