多年来一直从事染料敏化太阳能电池无机纳米材料的合成及其光电化学性能方面的研究工作,现任财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧
1. Q. W. Jiang, Y. C. Qiu, K. Y. Yan, J.W. Xiao and S.H. Yang, Self Assembly of Ni2P nanowires as high efficiency electrocatalyst for dye-sensitized solar cells. MRS Communications, 2012,2(03), 97-99. 2. Q. W. Jiang, G. R. Li, S. Liu, X. P. Gao, Surface Nitrided Nickel with Bifunctional Structure as Low-cost Counter Electrode for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. C 2010 ,13397-13401 3. Q. W. Jiang, G. R. Li, F. Wang, X. P. Gao, Highly ordered mesoporous carbon arrays from natural precursors as counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrochem. Commun. 2010,924-927 4. G. R. Li, F. Wang, Q. W. Jiang, X. P. Gao, P. W. Shen, Carbon Nanotubes with Titanium Nitride as a Low-Cost Counter-Electrode Material for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49 (21) 3653-3656. 5. Q. W. Jiang, G. R. Li, X. P. Gao, Highly ordered TiN nanotube arrays as counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells, Chem. Commun., 2009, 6720-6722 6. J. Qu, X. P. Gao, G. R. Li, Q. W. Jiang, T. Y. Yan, Structure Transformation and Photoelectrochemical Properties of TiO2 Nanomaterials Calcined from Titanate Nanotubes, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113 (8): 3359–3363