


发布日期: 2020年05月21日 11:19

地址:财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧 B416室。

Email:[email protected]

个人简介:1990年7月生,中共党员,博士,研究生导师,中原英才计划(育才系列)--中原青年拔尖人才。2019年11月毕业于中国科学技术大学,获博士学位。2018年9月至2019年9月期间,以联合培养博士身份在美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校学习。2020年到财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧 工作。一直致力于热电新能源材料方面的理论研究。近几年在高性能热电材料的理论研究与设计领域取得了系列重要成果。已在Nat. Commun., Nano energy, Phys. Rev. B, Sci. Adv., Chem. Mater.等发表SCI论文四十余篇。所发表的论文被引用700余次,h指数17,i10指数26。


1.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2023.1-2025.12,30万元,主持,NO. 12204149。

2.国家自然科学基金理论物理专项项目,2021.1-2021.12,18万元,主持,NO. 12047518。

3.中国博士后科学基金第2批站前特别资助,2020.08-2023.8,18万元,主持,NO. 2020TQ0088。

4.中国博士后科学基金第69批面上资助二等,2021.06-2024.6,8万元,主持,NO. 2021M690906。

5.河南省博士后科研项目一等资助,10万元,主持,NO. 202001021。

6.河南省高层次人才特殊支持中原英才计划(育才系列):中原青年拔尖人才,50万元,主持,NO. ZYYCYU202012175。







[1] Congcong Xu, Miaomiao Jian, Zhongxin Liang, Bing-Hua Lei, Shaowei Song, Fanghao Zhang, David J. Singh,Zhenzhen Feng*, Zhifeng Ren*, Enhancing the thermal stability of n-type Mg3+xSb1.5Bi0.49Te0.01by defect manipulation.Nano Energy106, 108036 (2023).(通讯作者)

[2] Zhongxin Liang, Miaomiao Jian, Congcong Xu, Bing-Hua Lei, Xin Shi, Hongjing Shang, Shaowei Song, Wuyang Ren, Fazhu Ding, David J. Singh,Zhenzhen Feng*, Zhifeng Ren*, Intrinsic thermal stability enhancement in n-type Mg3Sb2 thermoelectrics toward practical applications.Acta Materialia247, 118752 (2023). (通讯作者)

[3] Xiaofang Li#, Honghao Yao#, Sichen Duan#, Xin Bao, Wenhua Xue, Yumei Wang, Feng Cao*, Mancang Li, Zhiyu Chen, Yu Wang, Xi Lin, Xingjun Liu,Zhenzhen Feng*, Jun Mao*, Qian Zhang*, Identifying the effect of Ni solubility on the thermoelectric properties of HfNiSn-based half-Heuslers.Acta Materialia244, 118591 (2023).(通讯作者)

[4] Xianfeng Ye,Zhenzhen Feng*, Yongsheng Zhang, Gaofeng Zhao*, and David J. Singh*, Low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance via Cd underbonding in half-Heusler PCdNa.Physical Review B105, 104309 (2022).(通讯作者)

[5] Zhaoyu Yang, Jingjing Min, Tieshuan Dong, Weiru Wen,Zhenzhen Feng*, Gui Yang, Yulu Yan*, and Zaiping Zeng*, Flat phonon modes driven ultralow thermal conductivities in Sr3AlSb3and Ba3AlSb3Zintl compounds.Applied Physics Letters120, 142103 (2022).(通讯作者)

[6] Yazhu Xu, Jianmin Sun, Miaomiao Jian, Xianfeng Ye, Gaofeng Zhao, andZhenzhen Feng*, Study of thermoelectric performance and intrinsic defect of promising n-type half-Heusler FeGeW,.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics55, 414001 (2022).(通讯作者)

(7) Xianfeng Ye,Zhenzhen Feng*,Yazhu Xu, Miaomiao Jian, Yuli Yan, Yongsheng Zhang, and Gaofeng Zhao*, A Theoretical Study on the Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of CoNbSi and CoNbSn,J. Phys. Chem. C125, 10068 (2021).(通讯作者)

[8]Zhenzhen Feng, Yuhao Fu, Yuli Yan*, Yongsheng Zhang*, David J. Singh*, Zintl chemistry leading to ultralow thermal conductivity, semiconducting behavior, and high thermoelectric performance of hexagonal KBaBi,Physical Review B2021, 103(22): 224101.(第一作者)

[9] Chen Chen1,Zhenzhen Feng1, Honghao Yao, Feng Cao, Bing-Hua Lei, Yumei Wang, Yue Chen, David J. Singh & Qian Zhang, Intrinsic nanostructure induced ultralow thermal conductivity yields enhanced thermoelectric performance in Zintl phase Eu2ZnSb2.Nature Communications12, 5718 (2021).(共同一作)

[10]Zhenzhen Feng, Yuhao Fu, Yongsheng Zhang*, and David J. Singh* Characterization of rattling in relation to thermal conductivity: Ordered half-Heusler semiconductors,Physical Review B101, 064301 (2020).(第一作者)

[11]Zhenzhen Feng, Yuhao Fu, Aditya Putatunda, Yongsheng Zhang*, and David J. Singh*, Electronic structure as a guide in screening for potential thermoelectrics: Demonstration for half-Heusler compounds,Physical Review B, 100, 085202 (2019).(第一作者)

[12]Zhenzhen Feng, Xiaoli Zhang, Yuanxu Wang, Jihua Zhang, Tiantian Jia, Bingqiang Cao, and Yongsheng Zhang*, Thermoelectric optimization of AgBiSe2by defect engineering for room-temperature applications,Physical Review B, 99, 155203 (2019).(第一作者)

[13]Zhenzhen Feng, Tiantian Jia, Jihua Zhang, Yuanxu Wang*, and Yongsheng Zhang*, Dual effects of lone-pair electrons and rattling atoms in CuBiS2on ultralow thermal conductivity,Physical Review B, 96, 235205 (2017).(第一作者)