副教授(Associate professor);
硕士生导师(Master supervisor);
物理电子(Physical electronics),光学(Optics);
担任Frontiers杂志Review Editor; SCI评审;
物理学院B楼402室(Room 402, Building B, Physics Department);
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
教育历程与工作经历(Education and Working Experience)
•物理系(Associate Professor @ Department ofPhysics,School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University);
•物理系(Lecturer@ Department ofPhysics,School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University);
3、2012.09-2016.03:工学博士•西安交通大学•电子物理与器件教育部重点实验•物理电子学专业(Key Laboratory of Electronic Physics and Devices, Ministry of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Doctor's Degree, Major: Physical Electronics);
4、2010.09-2012.07:理学硕士•西安交通大学•物理学院•物理学专业(School of Physics,Xi'an Jiaotong University, Master 's Degree, Major:Physics);
研究领域(Research Interests)
1、原子气体中及周期性介质的光孤子和光怪波(Optical soliton and rogue waves formation in atomic vapors and optical lattices);
2、拓扑光子学及其相关领域(Topological photonics and related topics);
3、分数薛定谔方程的传播动力学及相关领域(Propagation dynamics of the fractional Schrodinger equation and related topics);
4、无衍射自加速光及其相关领域(Self-accelerating nondiffracting beams and related topics);
5、复合光涡旋阵列、光通信和光电子器件(Composite optical vortex array, optical communication and photoelectronic device)
1、国家自然科学基金(61805068),原子相干晶格带隙空间光调制研究, 2019. 01-2021.12,主持;
2、国家自然科学基金(11747046),原子相干量子调控空间光特性理论研究, 2018. 01-2019.12,主持;
3、中国博士后面上基金(一等, 2017M620300),非线性竞争型原子系综中光传输特性研究, 2018.01-2020.12,主持;
4、河南省科技攻关计划(重点研发与推广专项, 202102210111),全光网络和全光通讯的关键器件的物理原理及技术实现, 2020.01-2022.12,主持;
5、河南省博士后科研基金(二等, 001802022) ,新型拓扑绝缘体材料, 2018. 06-2021.12,主持;
6、河南高校科研重点项目(17A140003),空间调制多波混频信号产生光凝聚研究, 2018. 01-2019.12,主持;
部分论文列表(Partial publication list) [*通讯作者/indicates the corresponding author]ORCID://orcid.org/0000-0003-3437-9736
1、Zhenkun Wu, Kaibo Yang,et al,“Nonlinear self-accelerating beam in atomic ensembles: Mathematical models and numerical calculations”,Results Phys.,28,104634(2021);
2、Kaibo Yang,Zhenkun Wu*,et al,“Modified Bessel–Gaussian Vortex Beam with an Adjustable Broken Opening”,Ann. Phys. Berlin.,533,2100404(2021);
3、Feng Wen*,Zhenkun Wu*,et al,“Tunable Continuous-Variable Tripartite Entanglement via Cascaded Third-Order Nonlinear Processes in a Ring Cavity”,Ann. Phys. Berlin.,533,2100396(2021); (创刊于清*嘉庆四年–1799年,距今已有二百余年的历史。爱因斯坦、普朗克等物理大师均在该期刊发表过重要创新性成果)。
4、Yagang Zhang,Zhenkun Wu*,et al,“Controllable manipulation of composite multi-singularity vortex array”,Optics Communications.,495,127801(2021);
5、Yagang Zhang,Zhenkun Wu*,et al,“Splitting, generation, and annihilation of phase singularities in non-coaxial interference of Bessel–Gaussian beams”,Physica Scripta., 96,125105(2021);
6、Yagang Zhang,Zhenkun Wu*,et al,“Propagations of Fresnel diffraction accelerating beam in Schrödinger equation with nonlocal nonlinearity”,Chinese Physics B., 30,114209(2021);
7、Yagang Zhang,Zhenkun Wu*,et al,“Evolution of the Bessel–Gaussian beam modeled by the fractional Schrödinger equation”,Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics.,37,3414(2020);
8、Jingmin Ru,Zhenkun Wu*,et al,“Talbot effect in nonparaxial self-accelerating beams with electromagnetically induced transparency”,Frontiers of Physics.,15,52503(2020);
9、Zhenkun Wu, Yagang Zhang,et al,“Dynamics of Hermite–Gaussian beams in the linear and nonlocal nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equations”,Results Phys.,16,103008(2020);
10、Zhenkun Wu,et al, “Multicharged vortex induced in fractional Schrödinger equation with competing nonlocal nonlinearities”,Journal of optics, 21, 105602 (2019);
11、Zhenkun Wu,et al,“Controlling Airy-Bessel Light Bullets in an Optically Induced Potential”,Commun Theor Phys, 71, 741 (2019);
12、Zhenkun Wu,et al,“Optical vortices in the Ginzburg–Landau equation with cubic–quintic nonlinearity”,Nonlinear Dynamics, 94, 2363 (2018);
13、Zhenkun Wu,Hao Guo,et al,“Evolution of finite energy Airy beams in cubic-quintic atomic vapor system”,Front. Phys., 13(1), 134201 (2018);
14、Zhenkun Wu, Zhiping Wang,et al,‘Self-accelerating Airy-Laguerre-Gaussian light bullets in a two-dimensional strongly nonlocal nonlinear medium’,Opt. Express., 25, 30468 (2017);
15、Zhenkun Wu, Peng Li,et al,“Propagation dynamics of finite-energy Airy beams in nonlocal nonlinear media”,Front. Phys., 12(5), 124203 (2017);
16、Zhenkun Wu,Shun Wang,et al,“Dynamics of finite energy Airy beams carrying orbital angular momentum in multilevel atmoic vapors”,J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,85, 104302 (2016);
17、Zhenkun Wu,and Yuzong Gu,“Laguerre-Gaussian, Hermite-Gaussian, Bessel-Gaussian, and Finite-energy Airy beams carrying orbital angular momentum in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media”,J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,85, 124402 (2016);
18、Zhenkun Wu,Yunzhe Zhang,et al,“Solitons of four-wave mixing in competing cubicquintic nonlinearity”,Opt. Express.,23, 8430 (2015);
19、Zhenkun Wu, Xin Yao,et al, “Vacuum induced Aulter-Townes splitting of four- and six-wave mixings in a ring cavity”,J. Phys. B., 48(10),105201 (2015);
20、Yiqi Zhang,Zhenkun Wu,et al,“Photonic Floquet topological insulators in atomic ensembles”,Laser & Photonics Reviews., 9, 331 (2015);
21、Zhenkun Wu, Yiqi Zhang,et al, “Cubic-quintic condensate solitons in four-wave mixing”,Phys. Rev. A., 88(6), 063828 (2013);