杨丽雅,副教授,硕士生导师。2019年10月博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学物理学专业。2019年11月受聘于财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧
工作。迄今以第一(共一)或通讯作者在Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Physical Review Applied, Applied Physics Letters等国际期刊上发表论文多篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,主持完成河南省自然科学基金青年项目1项。担任Journal of Advanced Ceramics,Applied Physics Letters,Journal of Applied Physics等期刊的审稿人。获开封市自然科学优秀学术成果一等奖。
E-mail: [email protected]
研究方向:(1) 二维铁电材料的制备、性能调控及智能微器件的设计;(2) 压电铁电单晶的物性定征和机理研究。
(1)国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于交流极化的压电性能和机械品质因数协同优化及机理研究(No: 12204153),2023年1月-2025年12月。
(2)河南省自然科学基金青年项目:基于交流极化的硬性掺杂弛豫铁电单晶缺陷作用机理及性能研究(No: 212300410124),2021年1月-2022年12月。
(1) Yunchen Zhang, Junqi Mao, Ren-Kui Zheng, Jiawei Zhang, Yonghui Wu, Xiaobing Wang, Kexin Miao, Hongbo Yao, Liya Yang,* and Haiwu Zheng*. Ferroelectric Polarization-Enhanced Performance of Flexible CuInP2S6 Piezoelectric Nanogenerator for Biomechanical Energy Harvesting and Voice Recognition Applications. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2214745.
(2) Liya Yang#, Houbing Huang#, Zengzhe Xi, Limei Zheng*, Shiqi Xu, Gang Tian, Yuzhi Zhai, Feifei Guo, Lingping Kong, Yonggang Wang, Weiming Lü*, Long Yuan, Minglei Zhao, Haiwu Zheng & Gang Liu*. Simultaneously achieving giant piezoelectricity and record coercive field enhancement in relaxor-based ferroelectric crystals. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1): 2444.
(3) Yuanzheng Zhang#; Liya Yang#; Yaju Zhang; Zhenyu Ding; Mengjun Wu; Yan Zhou; Chunli Diao; Haiwu Zheng; Xingfu Wang; Zhong Lin Wang ; Enhanced Photovoltaic Performances of La-Doped Bismuth Ferrite/Zinc Oxide Heterojunction by Coupling Piezo-Phototronic Effect and Ferroelectricity, ACS Nano, 2020, 14: 10723-10732.
(4) Kexin Miao, Huanxin Su, Mingqing Li, Hongbo Yao, Yunchen Zhang, HaoWang, Yaju Zhang, Liya Yang* and Haiwu Zheng*. The interaction mechanism of photogenerated carriers and piezoelectric charges of a photoactive piezoelectric nanogenerator. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(26): 263503.
(5) Mingqing Li; Liya Yang*; Hao Wang; Chaochao Qin; Jinsheng Song; Yunchen Zhang; Weichao Wang; Yonghui Wu; Xinan Zhang; Haiwu Zheng*; Coupling mechanism between photogenerated carriers and triboelectric charges and photoinduced reinforcement of a triboelectric nanogenerator, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119(6): 063903