闻波,博士,1989年生,河南卫辉人,硕士生导师,河南大学“黄河学者”特聘教授。主要从事过渡族金属氧化物,多功能新型材料表面、界面物理化学性质第一性原理研究。在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences、Journal of American Chemistry、Nature Communication、Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters、Advanced Energy Materials、Physics Review B等国际知名期刊上发表SCI收录论文30余篇。总被引2500余次,H指数24,在相关领域内得到了广泛关注和认可。先后主持国家自然科学基金委理论物理专款博士后项目一项、青年项目一项、河南大学“黄河学者”科研启动项目一项。
地址:河南省开封市金明大道财神捕鱼-高爆率街机捕鱼游戏 & 玩法技巧
电子邮件:[email protected]
2020.12 –至今,河南大学,财神捕鱼
2017.11 – 2020.10,普林斯顿大学,化学系,导师:Annabella Selloni教授
2012.09 – 2017.07,北京大学,凝聚态物理专业,博士,导师:刘利民教授(北航)、任泽峰教授(大连化物所)
2008.09 – 2012.07,天津大学,应用物理学和计算机科学,学士
主持中国国家自然科学基金委青年项目,30万元,2024 – 2026,在研
主持河南大学黄河学者科研启动项目,60万元,2020 – 2025,在研
软件程序 C/C++, Python, Linux, HTML
CP2K, Quantum Espresso, VASP, DeepMD
1.Bo Wen, Marcos F. Calegari Andrade, Li-Min Liu and Annabella Selloni, Water dissociation at the water–rutile TiO2(110) interface from ab initio-based deep neural network simulations.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2023, 120,e2212250120.
2.Weijie Lin, Wen-Jin Yin andBo Wen*, Proximity effects in graphene-supported single-atom catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction.Journal of Chemical Physics2023,159(9), 094703.
3.Zhihong Wu, Wen-Jin Yin,Bo Wen*, Dongwei Ma* and Li-Min Liu*, Oxygen Vacancy Diffusion in Rutile TiO2: Insight from Deep Neural Network Potential Simulations.TheJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters2023,14, 2208-2214.
4.Bo Wen*and Annabella Selloni, Hydrogen Bonds and H3O+Formation at the Water Interface with Formic Acid Covered Anatase TiO2.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2021, 12, 6840-6846.
5.Fang Zhao†,Bo Wen†, Wenhan Niu, et al, Increasing Iridium Oxide Activity for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction with Hafnium Modification.Journal of the American Chemistry Society2021, 143, 15616-15623.
6.Alex J. Tanner,Bo Wen, Yu Zhang, et al, Photoexcitation of bulk polarons in rutile TiO2.Physics Review B2021, 103, L121402.
7.Bo Wen, Wen-Jin Yin, Annabella Selloni and Li-Min Liu, Site Dependent Reactivity of Pt Single Atoms on Anatase TiO2(101) in Aqueous Environment.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 10455-10461.
8.Bo Wen,Li-Min Liu and Annabella Selloni, Structure and reactivity of highly reduced titanium oxide surface layers on TiO2: A first-principles study.Journal of Chemical Physics.2019,151(18), 184701.
9.Bo Wen, Wen-Jin Yin, Annabella Selloni and Li-Min Liu, Defects, Adsorbates and Photoactivity of Rutile TiO2(110): Insight by First-Principles Calculations.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2018, 9, 5281-5287.
10.Bo Wen, Qunqing Hao, Wen-Jin Yin, et al. Electronic Structure and Photoabsorption of Ti3+Ions in Reduced Anatase and Rutile TiO2.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2018, 20 (26), 17658-17665.
11.Wen-Jin Yin,Bo Wen, Chuanyao Zhou, et al. Excess Electrons in Reduced Rutile and Anatase TiO2.Surface Science Reports2018, 73 (2), 58-82.
12.Gang Ou†, Yushuai Xu†,Bo Wen†, et al, Tuning Defects in Oxides at Room Temperature by Lithium Reduction.Nature Communications2018, 9 (1), 1302.
13.Bo Wen, Le Zhang, Da Wang and Xiufeng Lang, The Distribution of Excess Carriers and Their Effects on Water Dissociation on Rutile (110) Surface.Computational Materials Science2017, 136, 150-156.
14.Xiaoqiang An†, Tong Li,Bo Wen†, et al. New Insights into Defect-Mediated Heterostructures for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.Advanced Energy Materials2016, 6 (8), 1502268.
15.Zhiqiang Wang†,Bo Wen†, Qunqing Hao†, et al. Localized Excitation of Ti3+Ions in the Photoabsorption and Photocatalytic Activity of Reduced Rutile TiO2.Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137 (28), 9146-9152.