


发布日期: 2017年06月01日 14:32

序号 第一作者 发表/出版时间 SCI论文分区 发表刊物/论文集 论文题目
1 余玉红 2016-08-31 一区 Electrochimica Acta An efficient dye-sensitized solar cell with a promising   material of Bi4Ti3O12 nanofibers/graphene
2 刘向阳 2016-07-18 一区 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Comprehensive Insights into Charge Dynamics and Improved   Photoelectric Properties of Well-Designed Solar Cells
3 李新营 2016-11-04 四区 Materials Research Express Electron density properties and metallophilic interactions of   coinage metal halides M2X2 (M=Cu, Ag and Au, X=F-I): Ab initio calculation.
4 李新营 2016-09-15 四区 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Electron Density Properties and Metallophilic Interactions of   Gold Halides AuX2 and Au2X (X = F-I): Ab Initio Calculations.
5 付春玲 2016-04-12 四区 Optik Multi-sensor marginalized particle filter based on average   weight optimization in correlated noise
6 杨癸 2016-11-10 三区 Solid State Communications The unusual chemical bonding and thermoelectric properties of   a new type Zintl phase compounds Ba3Al2As4
7 吴振坤 2016-09-29 三区 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Dynamics of Finite Energy Airy Beams Carrying Orbital Angular   Momentum in Multilevel Atomic Vapors
8 杨晶亮 2016-08-29 三区 Chinese Physics. B FDTD simulation study of size/gap and substrate-dependent SERS   activity study of Au@SiO2 nanoparticles
9 朱宝华 2016-05-24 三区 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter Aspect ratio-related three-photon absorption and mechanism of   α-FeOOH nanorods in the near-infrared
10 刁春丽 2016-03-01 三区 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS Effect of equivalent and aliovalent doping on dielectric   properties and relaxation of BaBi4TiO15 ceramics
11 吴振坤 2016-10-11 二区 Front. Phys Propagation dynamics of finite-energy Airy beams in nonlocal   nonlinear media
12 李若平 2016-10-01 二区 Food Control Determination of melamine in milk using surface plasma effect   of aggregated Au@SiO2 nanoparticles by SERS technique
13 刁春丽 2016-08-15 二区 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL Effect of SiO2 additive on dielectric response and energy   storage. performance of Ba0.4Sr0.6TiO3 ceramics
14 刘向阳 2016-08-13 二区 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Comprehensive insights into the charge dynamics process and   excellent photoelectric properties of heterojunction solar cells
15 刘向阳 2016-07-28 二区 Applied Physics Letters Insights into collaborative separation process of   photogenerated charges and superior performance of solar cells
16 李亚捷 2016-07-22 二区 Chem. Asian J. Water-Regulated Self-Assembly Structure Transformation and   Gelation Behavior Prediction Based on a Hydrazide Derivative
17 朱宝华 2016-07-21 二区 Applied Physics Express Enhanced three-photon absorption in CdSe/CdS core/shell   nanocrystals in near-infrared
18 朱宝华 2016-06-22 二区 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Nonlinear optical enhancement induced by synergistic effect of   graphene nanosheets and CdS nanocrystals
19 闫玉丽 2016-06-16 二区 Scientific Report Optimizing the Dopant and Carrier Concentration of Ca5Al2Sb6   for High Thermoelectric Efficiency
20 zhang jieling 2016-05-20 二区 Ceramics International Effect   ofsubstratetemperatureonstructuralandelectricalproperties of BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3   lead-freethin films bypulsedlaserdeposition
21 王科 2016-05-16 二区 Materials Letters Effect of top electrodes and light sources on photovoltaic   properties of polycrystalline Bi4Ti3O12 film
22 梁霄 2016-05-11 二区 Ceramics International Nanocomposites of Bi5FeTi3O15 with MoS2 as Novel Pt-free   Counter Electrode in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
23 胡智萍 2016-05-11 二区 J. Electrochem. Soc. Interaction of A beta(1-40) with Supported Planar Lipid   Bilayers Containing GM1 Using Electrochemical Methods
24 任凤竹 2016-04-14 二区 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Graphene-coupled Bi2WO6 nanocomposite with enhanced   photocatalytic performance: First-principles study
25 金屿荣 2016-03-06 二区 RSC Advances Mg2Sn:A potential mid-temperature thermoelectric material
26 张计划 2016-03-03 二区 RSC Advances Effects of Mo/W codoping on the visible-light photocatalytic   activity of monoclinic BiVO4 within the GGA+ U framework
27 胡卫飞 2016-02-26 二区 Materials Letters Preparation and investigation on third-order nonlinear optical   properties of ZnS/MWCNTs composite materials
28 王顺 2016-02-16 二区 Materials Letters Excellent photoelectric properties and charge dynamics of two   types of bulk heterojunction solar cells
29 刁春丽 2016-01-01 二区 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL Effect of samarium substitution on the dielectric and   ferroelectric properties of BaBi4-xSmxTiO15 ceramics
30 高菱 2016-11-24
计算机应用 改进的结构进化无限冲激响应数字滤波器设计方法
31 李若平 2016-10-29
SPIE Research on the photochemical kinetics process of gold   nanoparticledoped photopolymer system using Raman spectroscopy
32 曹雪 2016-10-05
物理通报 通信专业《电磁场与电磁波》教学研究
33 侯卫周 2016-09-22
实验室研究与探索 基于NI Multisim 12.0的OCL功率放大电路仿真测试
34 乔石豪 2016-09-15
学习论坛 抗战时期党管干部原则的探索及其特点
35 杨露萍 2016-08-29
红外技术 提高微通道板对低能电子探测效率的技术途径
36 黄章宇 2016-08-19
RSC Adv. Understanding the effect of Mn2+ on Yb3+/Er3+ upconversion and   obtaining a maximum upconversion fluorescence enhancement in   inert-core/active-shell/inert-shell structures
37 杜明荣 2016-08-01
物理与工程 理工科专业大一新生的物理学知识基础分析
38 李银丽 2016-06-15
Journal of Nanomaterials Characterization of Inter- and Intramolecular Interactions of   Amyloid Fibrils by AFM-Based Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy
39 侯卫周 2016-06-15
测绘科学技术学报 基于单片机系统的手机蓝牙智能锁设计
40 胡智萍 2016-06-08
光散射学报 不同衬底上生物膜与Aβ蛋白的相互作用的研究
41 侯卫周 2016-05-26
中国教育技术装备 基于电路课程的横拓展与纵延伸衔接的 教学模式研究——以电子信息类学科为例
42 侯卫周 2016-05-20
实验技术与管理 压控振荡器的仿真测试分析研究
43 赵慧玲 2016-05-12
Phys.  Chem. Chem. Phys. Self-assembly of Hydrogen-bonded Supramolecular Complexes of   Nucleic-acid-base and Fatty-acid at Liquid-solid Interface
44 杜明荣 2016-05-10
教育科学研究 美国科学教师培养标准(2012版)分析及启示
45 侯卫周 2016-03-25
现代职业教育 基于创业大赛来提升大学生创新能力的创业教育新研究
46 杨晶亮 2016-02-29
中国激光 不同金颗粒尺寸的 Au@SiO2纳米粒子拉曼增强研究
47 赵高峰 2016-02-18
原子与分子物理学报 B80分子结电子输运的第一性原理研究
48 He Zhangqing 2016-02-01
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science ERIST: An efficient randomized instruction insertion technique   to counter side-channel attacks
49 尉乔南 2016-01-29
光电子、激光 RGO-CdSe纳米复合材料的制备及其光学非线性吸收特性
50 王孟禄 2016-01-16
河南大学学报(自然科学版) 基于多线程和列队操作的TCM上位机系统设计